Sunday, 5 February 2023

Mental Health and Wellness Resources

Available to BCTF Members

Employee Family Assistance Program (EFAP)

These programs are available in all BCTF locals and offer a range of services depending on the provider.  Please contact your local office for more information on their EFAP.  A list of providers is also available on the BCTF website

The BCTF Health and Wellness Program

Support for members who need assistance to stay at work, or return to work, due to a physical or mental health diagnosis.  We continue to accept new referrals:; or by telephone at 604-871-1921, or toll free at 1-800-663-9163, ext. 1921.  For more information, please visit us via the Health and Wellness page on the BCTF website.

Starling Minds

Over 4 000 BCTF members have now registered for the online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy based mental health resource, developed specifically for teachers. Members can register for the program and log in using the access code: BCTFMEMBER and their Member ID.  This resource is free for all BCTF Members and their families.  Go to: information/wellness/access-online-mental-health-therapy-(starling-minds) 

The Well Teacher

Written by Wade Repta, this book is a comprehensive teacher-specific resource to support and actualize wellness needs. It is filled with activities and information to equip educators with practical tools to set goals and make positive changes.  Copies of The Well Teacher are available in print ($39.95) or as an eBook ($24.95) and can be purchased through

Internal Mediation Service (IMS)

A team of volunteer BCTF members, who are trained and experienced as mediators; and who work with members and others, to help resolve workplace conflicts that threaten positive relationships.  IMS will mediate conflicts between individual members, members and support staff, and members and administrators.  They will also work with small groups within schools, departments, local executives, Provincial Specialist Associations, and/or with Learning Support Assistants, as appropriate.  For additional information please contact Sherry Payne at 604-871-1803, toll free at 1-800-663-9163, local 1803 or by email at

BC 211

A free and confidential service that connects people to community, government, and social services resources; interpretation is available in over 150 languages.  The service includes support for basic needs such as food and shelter, mental health and addiction support, and legal and financial assistance.  For help, dial or text 211, the service is available 24 hours a day.  Additional information can be found online

Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS)

The society provides counselling, wellness, and healing services to residential school survivors, their families, and to those dealing with intergenerational trauma.  Additional information is available online or by contacting the IRSSS at 1-800-721-0066 or by emailing

BC Crisis Centre

Provides immediate access to barrier-free, non-judgemental, confidential support and follow-up through 24/7 phone lines and online services  You can contact the hotline directly at 1-800-784-2433 (1-800-SUICIDE) 1-800-310-6789 (Mental Health Support) or online chat (available from 12:00 PM to 1:00 AM)

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