May 23, 2023 Annual General Meeting
The name of the association shall be the Peace River North Teachers’ Association hereinafter referred to as the PRNTA. It shall be a local association affiliated with the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation, hereinafter referred to as the BCTF according to the terms stated in By-Law 3 (3.1) of the BCTF Constitution and By- Laws.
OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the PRNTA shall be:
a) To promote the cause of education in the Peace River North School District;
b) To raise the status of the teaching profession and to promote the welfare of the teachers in the same district;
c) To organize and administer such activities and funds as will assist in promoting the above objectives;
d) To represent its members and to regulate relations with their employer through collective bargaining of terms and conditions of employment;
e) To represent its members on Peace River North School District #60 committees; and
f) To foster greater involvement and engagement of members in their professional union.
This society is a member-funded society. It is funded primarily by its members to carry on activities for the benefit of its members. On its liquidation or dissolution, this society may distribute its money and other property to its members.
By-Law #1: Membership
a) Active Membership:
(i) Members of the BCTF and employed by School District #60 (Peace River North); and
(ii) Such other active members of the BCTF as are assigned by the federation Executive Committee.
b) Associate Membership:
Any person residing in this district admitted as an affiliate member of the BCTF may become an associate member of the Association on application to the Executive with payment of the current fee.
c) Honorary Membership:
Honorary memberships may be granted at any General Meeting of the PRNTA, as recognition of outstanding service to the cause of education, provided such nomination is not in conflict with any clause in the BCTF Constitution.
d) Associate and Honorary members shall not be eligible to hold Executive office, to vote, or to participate in any manner in matters relating to collective bargaining; however, may participate in all other General Meetings, inservice activities, and social affairs of the PRNTA.
By-Law #2: Executive
a) The Table Officers of this Association shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
b) The PRNTA Executive Committee shall be the Table Officers of this Association, together with:
(i) the Local Association Representative to the BCTF;
(ii) all representatives, including, but not limited to:
Early Career Teacher Representative
Employee Family Assistance Program Representative (EFAP)
French Language Representative
Indigenous Education Representative
Political Action Representative
Staff Representatives
TTOC Representative
(iii) all Chairs of standing committees, including, but not limited to:
Health and Safety Committee
Professional Development Committee
Social Justice Committee
Working and Learning Conditions/Bargaining Committee
By-Law #3: Roles and Responsibilities
a) The President shall:
(i) be presiding officer of the PRNTA;
(ii) be responsible for arranging the agenda for each PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee meeting;
(iii) attend PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee Meetings and report out as needed;
(iv) be a member of all PRNTA committees;
(v) have general supervision of all matters and affairs of the PRNTA;
(vi) ensure that committee reports be given in either written or oral form to the PRNTA at regular intervals;
(vii) be an Alternate Local Association Representative to the BCTF and attend all Representative Assemblies during their term of office;
(viii) attend the BCTF’s Annual General Meeting as a voting delegate;
(ix) be the official spokesperson of and conduct the official correspondence of the PRNTA;
(x) have the deciding vote in the event of a tie on any motion at any meeting;
(xi) attend BCTF conferences and training as required;
(xii) sign all instruments in the name of the PRNTA;
(xiii) deposit and disburse all monies;
(xiv) act as landlord on behalf of the PRNTA, completing all necessary responsibilities as they arise with any PRNTA properties; and
(xv) allocate union leaves to executive positions as the need arises, and as specified within the yearly budget.
b) The Vice-President shall:
(i) act in the absence of the President assuming all of their duties and prerogatives;
(ii) assist the President with Public Relations;
(iii) coordinate the orientation and welcoming of new teachers;
(iv) chair monthly PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee Meetings and at least one PRNTA General Meeting before the PRNTA Annual General Meeting;
(v) attend PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee Meetings and report out as needed;
(vi) sign all instruments in the name of the PRNTA when authorized by the President;
(vii) file and maintain the PRNTA Annual Report with the BC Societies Act; and
(viii) attend BCTF conferences and training as required.
c) The Secretary shall:
(i) prepare and preserve a written record of all meetings of the PRNTA, general or otherwise, and of its Executive Committee;
(ii) attend PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee Meetings and report out as needed
(iii) sign all instruments in the name of the PRNTA when authorized by the President;
(iv) keep a copy of all policies and procedures of the PRNTA;
(v) keep on file a master copy of the Constitution so that it may be updated regularly in accordance with changes made by the local association; and
(vi) ensure the Constitution is available to all members.
d) The Treasurer shall:
(i) have the care, custody, and oversight of all PRNTA monies;
(ii) deposit and disburse all monies in such bank when authorized by the President;
(iii) sign cheques on behalf of the PRNTA, along with the Secretary, Vice-President, or the President, when authorized by the President;
(iv) maintain a proper set of financial records stored at the PRNTA office and shall exhibit an interim report on the state of the account to each PRNTA General Meeting;
(v) present at the PRNTA Annual General Meeting a professional third-party financial review of its accounts and financial condition, including a detailed report of all income and expenditures;
(vi) seek the advice of the Executive Committee in preparing a budget in advance of the September PRNTA General Meeting;
(vii) present the budget containing a recommendation regarding the amount of the annual fee, to the September PRNTA General Meeting for ratification or amendment; and
(viii) attend PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee Meetings and report out as needed.
e) The Local Representative to the BCTF or Alternate Local Representative to the BCTF shall:
(i) attend all Representative Assembly (RA) Meetings and the AGM of the BCTF;
(ii) at the conclusion of each BCTF meeting, provide a comprehensive verbal report and a written summary to the first PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee Meeting which follows and to the next PRNTA General Meeting;
(iii) attend all PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee Meetings and report out as needed; and
(iv) attend BCTF conferences and training as required.
f) The PRNTA Early Career Teacher Representative shall:
(i) be a teacher within their first five (5) years of teaching;
(ii) attend PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee Meetings and report out as needed; and
(iii) work in conjunction with the Vice President to coordinate the orientation and welcoming of new teachers.
g) The PRNTA Employee Family Assistance Program Representative shall:
(i) attend PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee Meetings and report out as needed;
(ii) attend conferences and training as required; and
(iii) liaise with the district staff responsible for the Employee Family Assistance Program.
h) The PRNTA French Representative shall:
(i) have command of the French language;
(ii) attend PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee Meetings and report out as needed;
(iii) attend BCTF conferences and training as required; and
(iv) liaise with the district staff responsible for the French Federal Grant.
i) The PRNTA Health and Safety Committee Chair shall:
(i) chair regular PRNTA Health and Safety Committee Meetings;
(ii) attend PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee Meetings and report out as needed;
(iii) represent the PRNTA on the Joint Health and Safety Committee of School District #60.; and
(iv) attend BCTF conferences and training as required.
j) The PRNTA Indigenous Education Representative shall:
(i) attend PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee Meetings and report out as needed;
(ii) attend BCTF conferences and training as required; and
(iii) coordinate with the District around the Indigenous Education Pro-D Day as needed.
k) The PRNTA Political Action Representative shall:
(i) attend PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee Meetings and report out as needed;
(ii) encourage political meet and greet events at the PRNTA office during municipal and provincial elections; and
(iii) attend BCTF conferences and training as required.
l) The PRNTA Pro-D Committee Chair shall:
(i) chair regular PRNTA Pro-D Committee Meetings;
(ii) attend PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee Meetings and report out as needed;
(iii) maintain and follow the PRNTA Pro-D Policies and Guidelines; and
(iv) attend BCTF conferences and training as required.
m) The PRNTA Social Justice Committee Chair shall:
(i) chair regular PRNTA Social Justice Committee Meetings;
(ii) attend PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee Meetings and report out as needed; and
(iii) attend BCTF conferences and training as required.
n) The PRNTA Teacher Teaching on Call (TTOC) Representative shall:
(i) chair regular PRNTA TTOC meetings;
(ii) attend PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee Meetings and report out as needed;
(iii) attend PRNTA Professional Development Meetings;
(iv) attend BCTF conferences and training as required;
(v) maintain an active TTOC contact list; and
(vi) organize and encourage participation in the TTOC Appreciation Week.
o) The PRNTA Working and Learning Conditions/Bargaining Chair shall:
(i) chair the PRNTA Bargaining Committee meetings as needed;
(ii) attend the BCTF Bargaining Conference, and any other training as required;
(iii) bargain the terms and conditions of the union contract in consultation with the PRNTA Bargaining Committee and the PRNTA members;
(iv) review district data to ensure working and learning conditions are adhered to, as set out in the collective agreement;
(v) seek input from the PRNTA members regarding negotiating priorities and direction; and
(vi) attend PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee Meetings and report out as needed.
By-Law #4: Elections
a) Nominations:
(i) A Nominating Chair shall be appointed by the Executive Committee prior to the PRNTA Annual General Meeting;
(ii) Nominations of any member entitled to vote must be received by the Nominating Chair at least seven (7) days in advance of the time and place of the AGM; (AGM May 2022)
(iii) The Presidential nominee(s) shall have previous PRNTA Executive experience.
b) The following Executive Committee members shall be elected by secret ballot (in print or virtual) at the Annual General Meeting of the PRNTA:
President (2 years)
Vice-President (1 year)
Secretary (1 year)
Treasurer (1 year)
Local Association Representative to the BCTF (1 year)
Early Career Teacher Representative (1 year)
Employee Family Assistance Program Representative (1year)
French Representative (1 year)
Health and Safety Chair (1 year)
Indigenous Education Representative (1 year)
Political Action Representative (1 year)
Professional Development Chair (2 years)
Social Justice Chair (1 year)
TTOC Representative (1 year)
Working and Learning Conditions/Bargaining Chair (1 year)
c) The Staff Representative shall be elected prior to the first PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee Meeting in September.
d) Whenever a vacancy occurs in an elected PRNTA Committee, that vacancy shall be filled by election at the next General Meeting for the remainder of that position’s term.
e) Should an elected officer or other representative of the PRNTA be absent for two consecutive meetings, without reasonable cause, that person’s position may become vacant. This vacancy shall be advertised and filled at the next appropriate General Meeting or school staff meeting in the case of a staff representative vacancy.
f) An Executive Committee member may be suspended from office by a unanimous vote of the other Executive Committee members.
g) The membership may, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, dismiss from their position within the local association, any elected officer or other representative of the PRNTA. Such action must be preceded by a motion of intent at the previous General Meeting subject to an appeal process.
h) A Professional Development Executive Committee of four PRNTA members shall be elected at the AGM. Two of the committee positions shall be elected at each AGM and will serve a two year term.
i) Delegates to the Annual General Meeting of the BCTF must be elected at a General Meeting of the Association.
j) As per BCTF By-law 8.2 (b) distribution of votes at the BCTF AGM will be 25% for the PRNTA President, 25% for the PRNTA Local Representative and 50% for the remaining PRNTA Delegates.
By Law #5: President’s Time
That the PRNTA President be a 1.0 FTE released position.
That the PRNTA President receive an additional allowance in recognition of the responsibilities required in the role. This allowance will be calculated at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the individual's salary on the grid. Effective September 1, 2022. (September GM 2022).
By Law #6: Vice President’s Time
That the PRNTA Vice President be a 0.2 FTE released position. This release time should be one full day per week in office.
By-Law #7: Fees
a) The annual local fee shall be determined by the September General Meeting of the PRNTA. Such fees shall be deducted at the source in ten equal installments.
b) An additional fee or levy for extraordinary expenses, except for arbitration fees, can be set by any General Meeting of the PRNTA. Such fee or levy shall be paid by each active member on or before a date set by the PRNTA General Meeting. Failure to comply shall be followed by the submitting of the name of the member concerned to the BCTF for action under By-Law 4.3 of the BCTF Constitution and By-Laws.
By-Law #8: Borrowing
a) In order to carry out the objectives of the PRNTA the Executive Committee may, on behalf of and in the name of the PRNTA, raise or secure the payment or repayment of money in the manner they decide.
b) The Executive Committee may not exercise its borrowing power unless it is assented to by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Committee.
c) The members may, by motion at a General Meeting, restrict the borrowing powers of the Executive Committee, but a restriction imposed expires at the next Annual General Meeting.
By-Law #9: Financial Records
a) The PRNTA general accounts shall be examined at the end of each fiscal year. A copy of the financial statement to the end of the last fiscal year shall be made available to members at a PRNTA General Meeting for examination and questions before June 1 of the following year.
b) The Professional Development accounts shall be examined as of December 31st of each year and copies shall be available to School District #60 and for member examination.
By-Law #10: Meetings
a) The Annual General Meeting of the PRNTA shall be held during the month of May.
b) Following the Annual General Meeting, the current and incoming Executive shall meet jointly in the month of June.
c) Special General Meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive. Upon written request of twenty percent (20%) of the membership, a Special General Meeting shall be called by the Executive.
d) Members shall be given written notice, via the staff representatives, at least one week in advance of all regular General Meetings. Such notice will include information regarding the agenda. Members shall be given as much notice as is possible for special meetings.
e) There will be three General Meetings of the PRNTA, held in:
(i) September;
(ii) January; and
(iii) May.
f) Regular meetings of the PRNTA Executive/Staff Representative Committee shall normally be held on the first Tuesday of the month.
By-Law #11: Quorum
Those active members present at any regularly advertised General or Special Meeting shall constitute a quorum. A quorum at an Executive Meeting shall consist of one-third (1/3) of those members who have been elected to the Executive Committee.
By-Law #12: Voting
Voting at all meetings shall be by show of hands, and/or through a virtual platform, except when a secret ballot is requested by a member present, or it is prescribed by this constitution. A secret ballot (print or virtual) may also be held at the discretion of the President.
Proxy voting shall not be permitted.
By-Law #13: Amendments to the Constitution
This Constitution may be amended by seventy-five percent (75%) of the votes cast at a General Meeting, provided that notice of such amendment shall have been submitted in writing at the previous General Meeting.
By-Law #14: Committees
a) The Standing committees shall be:
(i) The PRNTA Bargaining Committee, as needed;
(ii) The PRNTA Health and Safety Committee;
(iii) The PRNTA Professional Development Committee; and
(iv) The PRNTA Social Justice Committee.
b) The Bargaining Committee
(i) shall consist of the Bargaining Committee Chair and at least four members appointed by the Executive Committee and ratified at a General Meeting; and
(ii) shall meet as necessary.
c) The Health and Safety Committee
(i) shall consist of the Health and Safety Committee Chair and may consist of one representative from each worksite;
(ii) shall hold regularly scheduled meetings throughout the school year; and
(iii) shall monitor and promote within the local, health and safety standards for worksites that meet or exceed The Workers Compensation Act and Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.
d) The Professional Development Committee
(i) shall consist of the Professional Development Chair and the four elected Professional Development Executive Committee members and may consist of one representative from each worksite;
(ii) shall hold regularly scheduled meetings throughout the school year;
e) The Social Justice Committee
(i) may consist of a representative from each worksite;
(ii) shall hold regularly scheduled meetings throughout the school year;
(iii) shall increase awareness of issues such as multi-culturalism, gender equity, children’s rights, poverty, violence, 2SLGBTQIA+, BIPOC, the environment, and other related areas of social responsibility; and
(iv) shall carry out within the local, the BCTF policies and procedures for enhancing human rights, and social justice.
By-Law #15: Rules of Order
The procedure at all meetings shall be governed by the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, when not inconsistent with this Constitution.
By-Law #16: Discipline
a) The Association has the right to discipline its members subject to its Discipline Policy.
b) Those PRNTA members who cannot conscientiously take strike action against their employer, who cross picket lines established and/or recognized by the local association, agree to:
(i) sign a statement thereto, at the strike’s beginning, of intent to cross a legally constituted picket line; and
(ii) forfeit their net wages during the course of any strike action to the PRNTA Professional Development Committee.
c) In matters of discipline, the PRNTA shall act under the regulations as outlined in the BCTF Members Guide.