Friday, 22 December 2017

Dear friends and colleagues,
We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your hard work and dedication to students and education in general.  The work you do is of great consequence and also is very demanding!  
We hope that you enjoy a well deserved rest and return to school in the new year ready to continue the good work you do!
We wish you all the best at this festive time of the year. 

Kind regards,
Michele and Mary

Friday, 15 December 2017

Health & Wellness

Our winter break will soon be here.
  We will have opportunities for a well-deserved rest, to reconnect with family and friends, travel, have outdoor adventures, read a book, and generally do just what we want!

Wintertime can also be a difficult time of year.  Many of us are affected by shorter daylight hours as well as often being more homebound.  

Please consider reading the article from

for information about Seasonal Affective Disorder and what you can do about it.

The PRNTA and BCTF are are focussing on Health and Wellness for teachers.  Please seek help if you, members of your family or a colleague are struggling with wellness.  Contact Michele or Mary  or visit the BCTF website ( to learn about supports that are available.

Stay well!

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Our new melded Collective Agreement will soon be available!

Click the link to go to our CA:

A limited number of hard copies of our 'new' Collective Agreement will soon be printed.  Copies will be available in each school and for Staff Reps and new teachers.