Thursday, 24 September 2015

PRNTA General Meeting

Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Location:  Legion Event Room
10103 - 105th Avenue
 (Across from the School Board Office)

·      Elections – Nominations are open:
o   Social Justice:  Alexandra Adhikary (NPSS/ELC)
o   TTOC:  Carla Lowther (TTOC)
o   Bargaining/Working & Learning:  Kevin Frankham   
o   Aboriginal Education ____________________________
o   ProD Executive (2 year term) ______________________           
·      Approval of Budget for 2015 - 2016
·      New Teacher Induction

See you there!
The 2015-16 school year is well underway!  
We would like to welcome both the new teachers who have joined us in School District 60 as well as returning teachers.
This will be another busy year! Enrollment continues to rise - around 140 new students have moved into our classrooms and new divisions have been created.  We know how hard you work to ensure the best education for our children and would like to remind you to take very good care of yourselves - stay well at teaching!
We want to wish you a successful school year!  
All the best,
Michele Wiebe
& Mary Tremain