Friday, 30 May 2014

May 28, 2014
As President of the Peace River North Teachers' Association, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the many gestures and acts of kindness the community of Fort St. John and area gave to teachers today while they were on the picket line. Thank you to CUPE members who are standing strong with teachers as we oppose a government that has little respect for education and educators. Teachers were brought gifts of food from many of you today - a huge thank you to the fire fighters, parents, students, retired teachers, teachers of leave, general public, and many businesses who brought donuts, Tim bits, ice caps, coffee, water, muffins, pizza, apples, and so much more to show you are standing with us during this time. Your generosity was overwhelming. Just so everyone knows, we will be on the picket line again on Thursday, June 5th. We will continue to keep calm, but remain strong!

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